Edgewater Farm

Edgewater Farm is a diversified horticultural farm owned and operated by the Sprague family in Plainfield, New Hampshire.


COMMUNITY SUPPORTED AGRICULTURE ,PLAINFIELD,NH Released 1-30-2014…The Sprague family’s Edgewater Farm in Plainfield, New Hampshire distributes its produce and plants by way of their greenhouses, their farmsatand located on Route 12A and through several select locations in the Upper Valley. However, it was the farm’s CSA or Community Supported Agriculture model that was the basis for my visit in September of 2013. All camera work was done using a combination of both zoom and prime lenses with the Sony NEX VG 20. Lighting was done with a combination of halogen and tungsten lights and sound was recorded with Zoom H1 and H4N recorders.


For more information on the Edgewater Farm’s CSA please visit:  http://www.edgewaterfarm.com